Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Exercise 02

Exercise 2 dealt with exchange of information and the communication of design concepts in a professional and outstanding manner.  An important factor of architecture is the relation of visuals and conceptual ideas to clients through graphic design.  This exercise explored the idea of using chimaeras to develop a unique architectural publication.  We had to create exploded axonometric views of both studied structures.  Following this, we had to combine similar design ideas and conceptuals from both buildings into a single unique and graphically appealing application.  The chimaera is an abstract representation of form, space, lighting, and structure.  Furthermore, by developing the imagery through monochrome colors, the design was made to specifically highlight various key features about both buildings that were meant to be shown.  In the end, the chimaera created a beautiful combination of several details of the Villa NM as well as the Mobius House.  It became an abstract interpretation of contents of the structures that are unseen and embedded into the complex structures.

Similarly, the exploded axonometric drawings were created to represent the various details and aspects of the structures.  By finding significant elements of both the Villa NM and Mobius House, we were able to create an exploded axonometric plan that depicted these ideas.  Both buildings are representative of flow and the movement that takes place throughout the houses.  These axonometries help constructors to understand the case study of each building and explore how the movement and fluidity of the buildings occurs.  Additionally, the exploded axonometric views show how the entire structure comes together through combination of various features and materiality.  

Villa NM Exploded Axonometric View

Mobius House Exploded Axonometric View


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